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Declaration on the Future of Gaza - DRAFT

(NOTE: This is neither a constitution nor a charter. It is a statement of the basic principles that should govern the rebuilding of Gaza and ensure its future as a peaceful and prosperous home for Palestinians.)


If you wish to show your support for the Declaration, you can sign here.

On the Fundamental Nature of Gaza

Gaza as a Home for Palestinians

The Governorates of Gaza shall forever be part of a larger Palestinian state and remain a land for Palestinians.

​a. All land shall be majority-owned by Palestinian citizens.


Gaza as a Land of Peace

The Governorates of Gaza shall forever be a land of peace.

a. Acknowledging the right to exist of all UN-recognized nations shall be a condition for all those holding public office in Gaza.

b. The basic rights of all individuals regardless of ethnicity, belief and sexual orientation shall be protected.


The Autonomy of Gaza

The Governorates of Gaza shall be governed by those elected by the people of Gaza and have substantial autonomy within a Palestinian state.

a. A Provisional Governing Authority shall be established to initially handle issues of governance that will gradually transfer authority to the local Gazan Government

b. The people of Gaza may choose to relinquish their autonomy to the Palestinian Government once consistent free and fair elections have been established and a supermajority of Gazans support the relinquishing of autonomy by referendum.

On the Rebuilding of Gaza

On the Provisional Governing Authority

A Provisional Governing Authority shall be established to oversee the rebuilding of Gaza:

a. This Authority shall be an international body composed of nations that have peaceful relations with Israel

b. The Provisional Governing Authority shall act as a guarantor for Gaza until a capable local Gazan government can be established
Israel shall be a Provisional Governing Authority member, of standing equal to all other members.

c. No nation that harbours or supports terrorist organizations shall be allowed to participate in the Provisional Authority nor the rebuilding of Gaza


On the Transfer of Authority

The ceding of authority to the Gazan Government shall be conducted through a transparent process with clearly defined criteria conducted by the Provisional Governing Authority’s Transition Committee.

a. Except for certain key institutions, the support of a supermajority shall be required to cede authority to the Gazan Government.

b. For key institutions, unanimous support shall be required to cede authority to the Gazan Government.
c. Key institutions shall include:

i. External Security

ii. Internal Security

iii. Education

iv. Media Regulation

v. Judicial System


On the Nature of Elections in Gaza

 All Citizens of age in Gaza shall elect a local Gazan Government. 

a. These elections shall take place on a regular, scheduled basis

b. The first elections shall take place within 5 years after the establishment of the Provisional Authority
c. No citizen who rejects the right to exist of all UN-recognized nations shall be able to run for office
d. Only Palestinian citizens who are residents of Gaza shall be able to run for office.

Get in Touch

Please let us know how the declaration can be improved. Email us at


If you support the Declaration, please sign it and share it!

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